Sacred Healing Journey
Hey sweet beautiful person,
Do you find it hard to accept yourself? Or to love yourself ?
Are you someone who likes to please others, but forgets yourself in the process?
Are you afraid to really feel your emotions?
Do you feel that there is so much more in you than what you are showing now?
We live in a world full of conditioning – but is that really who you are? Do you have to be something before you can achieve something? Do you have a lot of limiting thoughts, like feeling unworthy? We have heard all these conditionings our whole lives, often with the best intentions, but also from our own conditioning. Once we recognize this, it is only the beginning. How do we implement these insights into our lives? Sometimes you need a little help and sometimes we can allow ourselves to receive help. Why? Because you are so much more than worth it.
With Soul Remembrance Journey I guide you back to yourself - on a mental, physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual level. This trajectory is there for various complaints, problems and issues. It helps you remember who you really are, reconnect with your true essence and see your own potential. Back to you, Sacred Soul .
This journey is for men and women who feel stuck, have difficulty feeling their emotions and long for deep transformation. Whether you are at the beginning of your spiritual journey or have already come a long way – Soul Remembrance Journey helps you to go deeper into yourself.
This is a transformation trajectory of 6 months, 12 sessions . We meet every 2 weeks for alternating NRGY sessions and journey sessions. Depending on your needs and preferences I work with Kundalini, Cosmic or Spinal sessions. Journey sessions help you to let go of old energy, discover yourself on a deeper level and receive personal guidance. Together we feel what lives inside you, what may receive more or less attention and what wants to come out.
What we are going to do:
We break old patterns – so that you are no longer guided by fear or limiting beliefs.
We bring old pain and unprocessed emotions to light – so that they no longer unconsciously influence you.
We embrace your inner child – and give it the love it always needed.
We strengthen your intuition – so that you learn to trust your inner guidance.
We reconnect with your emotions – so you can truly feel again.
We discover the wisdom of your emotions – they are not an enemy, but a compass.
We let the body speak – because emotions are not only felt, but also held in your system.
We allow your emotions to flow freely through you – so that you are no longer stuck in old pain.
We heal on a deep energetic level – through energetic releases and opening your heart.
We regulate your nervous system – so that you no longer fall back into survival mechanisms, but can live from trust and surrender.
We embody your desires – so that they don't just remain dreams, but become reality.
Together we make the journey from the head to the heart – so that you not only think, but feel and be .
Do you already feel a ' yes ' in your body as you read this? Then let's explore together how this journey can work for you.
After these 6 months you will feel lighter, more connected to yourself and able to fully feel your emotions without being overwhelmed. You will no longer live from fear, but from trust and inner strength .
This journey is deeply transformative and requires commitment - to yourself and your growth. It is for people who are willing to truly look within, let go of old patterns and open their hearts to a new way of life.
I believe that deep transformation starts with a safe connection. That is why I think it is important that we are a good match. Are you ready to return to yourself? Let's get to know each other in a discovery call !
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