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In onze samenleving is er al heel lang een nadruk op het hoofd en het denken, een houding die ons tot grote en mooie ideeën heeft geleid. Maar de keerzijde is dat deze focus ook veel zorgen en stress met zich mee brengt, wat leidt tot mentale en fysieke gezondheidsproblemen. Het is duidelijk dat er iets meer nodig is dan alleen het hoofd


Many people discover that our thinking can entangle us in doubts and patterns . There is a beautiful shift going on: listening to our heart and feelings is becoming increasingly important. Even with the head and the heart together we are not there yet, we are still missing an essential part..


The missing essential part is your body. With your body you sense things, your needs and desires , what is good and not good for you, you can't always reach that with your head and even with the heart it is still quite difficult. By landing in your body you can learn to really listen to it. By returning to our body, we open the door to authentic listening and deep, intuitive knowing.

I will not Rescue you

for you are not Powerless


I will not fix you

for you are not broken


I will not heal you

for I see you in your wholeness


I will walk with you through the Darkness

as you Remember your Light

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